
Architecture and Planning 建筑与规划 > Planning and Development 规划与发展 > Land Use Planning and Development

Land use, planning, and development focuses on how public and/or private land and associated resources can be preserved, developed, and used for maximum social, economic, and environmental benefit. Includes instruction in natural resources management, natural resource economics, public policy, regional and land use planning, environmental impact assessment, applicable law and regulations, government and politics, principles of business and real estate land use, statistical and analytical tools, computer applications, mapping and report preparation, site analysis, cost analysis, and communications skills.

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学校名称 国家 地区 寄托评分 年总费用
蒙大拿州立大学 Montana State University 美国 , 6.8分
犹他州立大学 Utah State University 美国 , 7.4分
德克萨斯理工大学 Texas Tech University 美国 , 8.3分
马里兰大学帕克分校 University of Maryland - College Park 美国 , 10.0分
威斯康星大学 University of Wisconsin 美国 , 8.4分 35454 美元
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