Education 教育类 > Special Education 特殊教育 > Education of Individuals with Impairments and Disabilities
This study path relies on the design of educational services for children or adults with specific learning disabilities which adversely affect their educational performance and that may prepare individuals to teach such students. Specific concentrations include: education of the hearing impaired, the emotionally disturbed, the mentally retarded, as well as those with autism, traumatic brain injuries and speech impairments, among others. Courses concentrate on identifying students with specific learning disabilities, developing individual education plans, teaching and supervising students with specific learning disabilities, counseling, and applicable laws and policies.
学校名称 | 国家 | 地区 | 寄托评分 | 年总费用 |
新墨西哥州立大学 New Mexico State University | 美国 | , | 0.0分 | |
路易斯安那理工大学 Louisiana Tech University | 美国 | , | 6.6分 | |
肯特州立大学 Kent State University | 美国 | , | 6.8分 | |
东卡罗莱纳大学 East Carolina University | 美国 | , | 7.6分 | |
北卡罗来纳大学格林波若分校 University of North Carolina - Greensboro | 美国 | , | 7.3分 | |
阿什兰大学 Ashland University | 美国 | , | 6.7分 | |
西密歇根大学 Western Michigan University | 美国 | , | 7.3分 | |
南佛罗里达大学 University of South Florida | 美国 | , | 7.5分 | |
新墨西哥大学 University of New Mexico | 美国 | , | 6.8分 | |
波尔州立大学 Ball State University | 美国 | , | 9.9分 | |
博林格林州立大学 Bowling Green State University | 美国 | , | 7.5分 | |
弗吉尼亚联邦大学 Virginia Commonwealth University | 美国 | , | 6.8分 | |
佩斯大学 Pace University | 美国 | , | 7.0分 | |
北达科他大学 University of North Dakota | 美国 | , | 7.6分 | 27170 美元 |