
Health Care 卫生保健 > Veterinary Studies 兽医学 > Veterinary Sciences

An integrated program of study in one or more of the veterinary medical or clinical sciences or a program undifferentiated as to title. Sub-topics include: veterinary anatomy, physiology, microbiology, pathology, toxicology, large animal surgery and medicine, small animal surgery and medicine, comparative and laboratory animal medicine, preventive medicine, infectious diseases as well as veterinary biomedical sciences. A wide variety of course topics include: histology, ultrastructure, molecular biology, biochemistry, developmental biology, neuroscience, electrophysiology, electron microscopy, computer imaging, applications to specific species, viral therapy, inherited metabolic diseases, environmental toxicology, anatomical and clinical pathology, necropsy and biopsy techniques, clinical laboratory analysis, pathological interpretation, as well as disease diagnosis, among others.

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