
Architecture and Planning 建筑与规划 > Historic Preservation and Conservation 历史保存和保护 > Historic Preservation and Conservation

Programs for the study of historic preservation and conservation focus on the architectural design principles and building techniques used in historic structures and environments; the process of saving and restoring old buildings and districts; and planning, promoting, and implementing programs to preserve and protect cultural heritage sites and artifacts. Courses may include instruction in architectural history; building conservation techniques; real estate, land-use and tax laws and codes; economics and public policy; historical preservation and conservation; business management; policy analysis; applied economics; historical archaeology; and environmental impact studies.

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学校名称 国家 地区 寄托评分 年总费用
迈阿密大学 University of Miami 美国 , 7.9分
纽约大学 New York University 美国 , 9.1分
布兰迪斯大学 Brandeis University 美国 , 7.7分
南加州大学 University of Southern California 美国 , 10.0分
卡内基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University 美国 , 8.3分
康奈尔大学 Cornell University 美国 , 9.0分
布朗大学 Brown University 美国 , 9.5分
宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania 美国 , 8.2分 55136 美元
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