
Education 教育类 > Educational Administration and Supervision 教育管理和监督 > Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision

This curriculum teaches students to supervise instructional and support personnel at the school building, facility or staff level. Course instruction includes: the principles of staffing and organization, the supervision of learning activities, personnel relations, administrative duties related to departmental or unit management, and specific applications to various educational settings and curricula.

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学校名称 国家 地区 寄托评分 年总费用
明尼苏达大学双城校区 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 美国 , 8.5分
福特汉姆大学 Fordham University 美国 , 7.8分
叶史瓦大学 Yeshiva University 美国 , 7.5分
迈阿密大学 University of Miami 美国 , 7.9分
纽约大学 New York University 美国 , 9.1分
范德堡大学 Vanderbilt University 美国 , 6.8分 56236 美元
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