Languages and Literature 语言和文学 > English 英语 > Professional, Technical, Business, and Scientific Writing
This course of study concentrates on professional, technical, business, and scientific writing; and prepares individuals for academic positions or for professional careers as writers, editors, researchers, and related careers in business, government, non-profits, and the professions. Class topics may include: theories of rhetoric, writing, and digital literacy; document design, production, and management; visual rhetoric and multimedia composition; documentation development; usability testing; web writing; and publishing in print and electronic media.
学校名称 | 国家 | 地区 | 寄托评分 | 年总费用 |
卡内基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University | 美国 | , | 8.3分 | |
华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校 Washington University in St Louis | 美国 | , | 8.8分 | |
西北大学 Northwestern University | 美国 | , | 6.0分 | 56560 美元 |